Wednesday 18 October 2017

Postmodern Definitions - Week 5

The Canon - Cultural products accepted as superior, most meaningful, significant and better.

DWEMs - Dead White European Male, dominant in literature. Liked by critiques as they are DWEMs too.

Phallocentricism - A belief that centers around the male point of view and the dominance of the male sex.

Eurocentricism - Interpreting non-european societies through a European/Western perspective.

Postcolonialism - Controlling and placing a set of rules or values on a native society.

Multiculturalism - Supporting the diversity of multi - ethnic groups in society.

Feminism - Wanting equality between both women and men.

Life Drawing - Lesson 5

Red pencil and water colour - 20 mins
Orange pencil and water colour

5 minutes poses