Thursday 20 October 2016

Reflective Statement

I am not going to pretend that this project has been easy because it has not.  I have come on to this course with little or no knowledge of Photoshop and I have at times been stressed and anxious beyond belief.

As I reflect today on the journey I have travelled I am reminded of the many things that I have learnt to do.  Some of these things have been technical hurdles that I have overcome, others have been more personal achievements.  The use of Photoshop and its many tools together with using the graphics tablet for the first time has broadened my understanding of how digital art is created.  I have been fascinated by the boundless opportunities that colour gives to create mood and atmosphere.

Researching concept artists and producing thumbnail sketches  has helped me to show how paintings develop and the importance of their planning.  There have been many times when I have  believed that  I could create the perfect image straight away.  Research has proved invaluable as I have tried to convey my own city and the influence maps has been vital in helping to develop my project.

More personally I have learnt, often the hard way about how to manage my time and self critique my own work.  At the same time I have discovered the benefits of giving and receiving feedback through the blog system.  Being unafraid to make mistakes has been a huge challenge for me - I believed at least for the first 4 weeks that everything had to be perfect even at the first attempt.  And so, I have learnt a lot.  A lot about art, a lot about concept art, a lot about computer animated art and a lot about me!

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